Lunsford Winners by Discipline and Subject
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Art and Design
"A Memorial to the Triumphs and Tragedies of Breast Cancer" Abby Fanlo, Winter 2014
"Solving the 'NSA Problem' Responsibly" Andy Aude, Fall 2013
"Spirit of Our Times: Visualizing World Values" Chi Ling, Fall 2012
"Musicians and Revolution: A Case Study of Bob Dylan and Ramy Essam" Emma Botta, Spring 2012
Digital Tools and the Contemporary Music Maker" Dave Corcoran, Winter 2012
"Differentiating BMW via the Art Car Project" Kyle Moy, Fall 2011
"Rhetoric of Fun: The Festival, the Carnival, and the Circus" Nick Mascarenhas, Spring 2010
Cultural Rhetoric
"'You Don't Sound Black': The Connection Between Language and Identity"
Autumn Warren, Winter 2019
"Exploring the Impact of Linguistic Power Structures in Haiti"
Valexa Orelien, Winter 2019
"Gender and Language in a Multilingual Morocco" Isabelle Carpenter, Winter 2018
"Heritage Language Loss in Second-Gen East Asian Americans" Juliana Chang, Fall 2016
"Bedroom Radicals and the Internet Sisterhood" Gabbi Fisher, Fall 2015
"Spirit of Our Times: Visualizing World Values" Chi Ling, Fall 2012
"To Be Young, White, and Male: An Exploration of White Male Identity" Imani Franklin, Winter 2011
"The Cultural Disintegration of Ladino Jewry in New York" Jacob Portes, Winter 2011
"Communicating the Dismal Science" Sam Kurland, Spring 2015
"Heritage Language Loss in Second-Gen East Asian Americans" Juliana Chang, Fall 2016
"Why Teachers Are Like Starving Artists" Clayton Evans, Winter 2013
"Learning Together: Incorporating Technology into Education" Cyana Chilton, Fall 2010
"Rhetoric of Fun: The Festival, the Carnival, and the Circus" Nick Mascarenhas, Spring 2010
"Redefining the Essay" Caroline Chen, Fall 2009
"Gender and Language in a Multilingual Morocco" Isabelle Carpenter, Winter 2018
"Female Trainwrecks" Sophia Sterling-Angus, Winter 2017
"To Be Young, White, and Male: An Exploration of White Male Identity" Imani Franklin, Winter 2011
"Raunch Culture" Ellery Dake, Winter 2010
Law and Politics
"How the NRA Shot Down the Ivory Tower" Sophia Pink, Fall 2016
"Cracking the Keyless Lock" David Slater, Spring 2016
"Covering Up a Massacre: U.S. Army Press Coverage of My Lai" Savannah Pham, Fall 2015
"Rationalizations for the Sex Trade in Thailand" Katie Joseff, Winter 2015
"Keep it Zipped: The Role of the Politician's Wife in Sex Scandals" Libby Scholz, Fall 2014
"Solving the 'NSA Problem' Responsibly" Andy Aude, Fall 2013
"The Era of Political Fandom" Sam Cady, Winter 2013
"Inland Borders and Xenophobic Violence in South Africa" Selamile Dlamini, Fall 2012
"War without Shooting" Alexandra Cox, Winter 2012
"The Art of Political Satire & The Colbert Report" Riley Majeune-Fagan, Fall 2011
"Messianic Dictatorship" Alison Roy-Ting, 2010-11
"Satire, Cynicism, and American Politics" Patrick Kennedy, 2010-11
"Tale of Two Cities: Portrayal of Reality in Colonial Detective Literature" Won Gi Jung, Fall 2017
"Narrative Thinking in Friendship: The Case of Steinbeck and Dook" Peter Lessler, Spring 2013
"Steve Jobs: The Metis Touch" Doug Safreno, Winter 2013
Media and Digital Cultures
"Fighting Tech Addiction" Vrinda Vasavada, Spring 2018
“Female Trainwrecks" Sophia Sterling-Angus, Winter 2017
"Bedroom Radicals and the Internet Sisterhood" Gabbi Fisher, Fall 2015
"The Star of Interstellar How Art Informs Science" Jinhie Skarda, Winter 2015
"Rebooting the Rhetoric of Alcohol" Greg Ramel, Fall 2013
"The Era of Political Fandom" Sam Cady, Winter 2013
"Computer Mediated Lives" Sasha Arijanto, Spring 2012
Digital Tools and the Contemporary Music Maker" Dave Corcoran, Winter 2012
"Differentiating BMW via the Art Car Project" Kyle Moy, Fall 2011
"The Art of Political Satire & The Colbert Report" Riley Majeune-Fagan, Fall 2011
"Satire, Cynicism, and American Politics" Patrick Kennedy, Winter 2011
"Learning Together: Incorporating Technology into Education" Cyana Chilton, Fall 2010
"Is the Internet the Future of Television?" Patrick Kelly, Winter 2010
"Raunch Culture" Ellery Dake, Winter 2010
"Technology is Advancing, Are We?" Max Oswald, Fall 2009
"Steve Jobs: The Metis Touch" Doug Safreno, Winter 2013
“Death Cafe Movement" Michelle Chang, Fall 2017
"Mental Health Treatment at Stanford University" Monica Ellwood-Lowe, Spring 2013
"Messianic Dictatorship" Alison Roy-Ting, 2010-11
"To Be Young, White, and Male: An Exploration of White Male Identity" Imani Franklin, Winter 2011
"End of Life Counseling" Karen Hauser, Spring 2010
“A Fading Fady: The Waning Clout of Culture in Lemur Conservation” Liz Wallace, Winter 2016
"The Star of Interstellar How Art Informs Science" Jinhie Skarda, Winter 2015
"A Memorial to the Triumphs and Tragedies of Breast Cancer" Abby Fanlo, Winter 2014
"Spirit of Our Times: Visualizing World Values" Chi Ling, Fall 2012
"Rhetoric of Fun: The Festival, the Carnival, and the Circus" Nick Mascarenhas, Spring 2010
“Death Cafe Movement" Michelle Chang, Fall 2017
“A Fading Fady: The Waning Clout of Culture in Lemur Conservation” Liz Wallace, Winter 2016
"The Star of Interstellar How Art Informs Science" Jinhie Skarda, Winter 2015
"A Memorial to the Triumphs and Tragedies of Breast Cancer" Abby Fanlo, Winter 2014
"Spirit of Our Times: Visualizing World Values" Chi Ling, Fall 2012
"Rhetoric of Fun: The Festival, the Carnival, and the Circus" Nick Mascarenhas, Spring 2010
Social Justice
“The Neglect of the RV Community on Weeks St" Haley Hodge, Spring 2018
“Combating Sex Slavery with AI" Swetha Revanur, Winter 2018
"Inland Borders and Xenophobic Violence in South Africa" Selamile Dlamini, Fall 2012
"Musicians and Revolution: A Case Study of Bob Dylan and Ramy Essam" Emma Botta, Spring 2012