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Responding to Student Drafts

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Responding to student drafts is one of the most important, yet also one of the most challenging, parts of a PWR course sequence. In these sections, you'll learn more about best practices on feedback and response to student writing.

Giving Feedback on Student Writing

Giving feedback to student writing is a large part of what instructors spend time doing in PWR. Here are some tips to help you compose and share effective feedback with your students.

Crafting End Comments for a Draft

When offering feedback on written drafts, it is important to consider not just how to respond at the paragraph or the sentence level, but how to respond globally to the revisions you may want to see students implement. We offer some suggestions for crafting your end comments.

Responding to Oral/Multimedia Presentations

In PWR 2, we are often responding to oral/multimedia presentations in addition to written work. Check out some of our suggestions here for how your response and feedback strategies might change for these situations.