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Reflection & Goal Setting

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PWR 1 | PWR 2 | Week 1

History of the Future

In the first week of class, students will brainstorm what they want a final project or essay to accomplish by the end of the quarter.

PWR 1 | PWR 2

The Reflexivity Memo

This writing activity asks students to understand their various positionalities as researchers/writers and to recognize how their embodied socialized practices shape their research questions and practices.

PWR 1 | PWR 2 | Week 10

The Art of Reflection

Adapted from PWR 2's former final reflection assignment, this activity asks students to reflect on the activities they've completed for the class and align them with the course goals by creating a short oral pitch with visual/multimodal accompaniment.

PWR 2 | Week 10

Oral Reflection

This assignment asks students to create a 3-5 minute oral reflection of their learning experience in PWR 2.