Genre/Modes Assignment
Overview: The parameters of this assignment will depend on the course design; it represents a type of translation assignment. It can be either monomodal (one mode--text, audio, video, graphic) or multimodal (using more than one mode). The assignment can be another live oral presentation or can explore other modalities (written texts for a non-academic audience, visuals, sound, tangible mock-ups, etc.) or genres. As with the other PWR 2 assignments, this assignment includes a reflection component.
The genre/mode assignment does not need to be sequentially last in the sequence; it can be scheduled for the part of the quarter that the instructor feels would be most appropriate for it to accomplish the learning outcomes for the assignment and the course.
This assignment should not count for more than 15% of the overall grade for the course.
Length: dependent on assignment goals. Length will be decided by Instructor, and should correlate with grade % of assignment; ungraded “Reflection on Genre/Mode Assignment” (i.e., cover letter or reflective memo) of 250 words.
Sources: No source requirement.
Student Learning Objectives:
- Present argument or information effectively by composing multimedia, monomodal and/or multimodal texts for a variety of audiences and purposes.
- Develop more complex knowledge about the impact of media or genre on delivering content and acquire skills in adaptation and translation.
- Foster student engagement, innovation, and creativity
- Acquire a deeper sense of the skills involved in generating new modes of expression, such as how to design and produce in an additional medium.
- Reflect on learning outcomes, paying special attention to purpose, mode of expression, translation and adaptation.