Teaching Guide for New PWR 1 Instructors
The guide below is designed to provide a starting point for new lecturers who want quick access to the resources for teaching PWR 1; it consolidates many of the links on Teaching Writing, Canvas, and external websites that you would find helpful to refer to during your first quarters teaching in PWR (and even in years to come!).
Teaching overview
New lecturers teach PWR 1 for their entire first year. You’ll teach two sections of the same theme across fall, winter, spring (if you want to change up your theme for spring quarter, you can, though that decision needs to be made in early January). Sections are each capped at 15 students; each section meets for 110 minutes, twice a week. Helpful links:
Developing your course theme and description
You develop your course theme out of conversations with the Associate Director and PWR 1 course coordinator. To market your course, you’ll compose a written description and, time permitting, will either submit a still image to accompany your written description or a short 2-minute video. As part of writing your course description, you’ll create brief sketches for each of the major assignments. Helpful links:
- PWR 1 required assignment sequence
- Selecting an effective course theme
- Preparing your written course description
- Filming your course video (and alternatives to video)
- Current PWR student-facing catalog (for sample course descriptions)
Designing your course syllabus and schedule
As you design your syllabus for the course, you’ll want to pace your course to move the students from analysis to research in keeping with the required assignment sequence. Since PWR is a course that focuses on helping students grow as writers, assigned theme-based reading is capped at 75-100 pages a quarter. Students will do much more reading related to their research projects on their own. It's important that you set up a clear class infrastructure and consistent mode of communication with their students; lecturers should use Canvas, our learning management system, as their class hub. Helpful links:
- Syllabus template you can use as a starting point for your own, if you'd like
- Required syllabus content
- Recommended syllabus content
- Choosing Readings
- Sample schedules (PWR Canvas log-in required)
- Sample Syllabi (PWR Canvas log-in required)
- Syllabus design
Designing the Rhetorical Analysis assignment
For the rhetorical analysis assignment, students should perform an analysis of a single short text, whether that text be written, visual, audio, multimedia, etc. As with all PWR assignments, the rhetorical analysis should include a draft phase (where they receive instructor feedback) and a revision phase. We recommend that you allow student choice for the text they analyze, whether that be from a library or menu of approved texts that you supply, student free-choice (with approval) of a text they find on their own, or some combination of these approaches. Ideally, you’ll want to spend the first 3 weeks of the quarter on the rhetorical analysis. You’ll want to design a clear, thoughtful, and thorough assignment sheet that includes key information including evaluation criteria. Helpful links:
- The Rhetorical Analysis assignment overview
- Creating effective assignment sheets
- Teaching the rhetorical analysis
- Sample rhetorical analysis assignment sheets
- Sample rhetorical analysis student essays
- Activities to scaffold the Rhetorical Analysis
Designing the Texts in Conversation (TiC) assignment
- The Texts in Conversation assignment overview
- Teaching the Texts in Conversation assignment
- Sample TiC assignment sheets
- Sample TiC student essays
- Activities to scaffold the TiC
Designing the Research-based argument assignment
- The Research-based argument assignment overview
- Teaching the Research-based Argument assignment
- Sample RBA assignment sheets
- RBA assignment sheet samples for New Instructor Sessions (coming soon)
- Full archive of sample RBA assignment sheets
- Sample RBA student essays
- Boothe Prize essays
- Activities to scaffold the RBA
Designing effective learning experiences for students
PWR classes rely on an active learning principle; class activities should have clear learning objectives and should be designed to scaffold the major assignments during the quarter. During weeks 4 to 6, lecturers also collaborate with librarians to focus on students’ information literacy and to develop effective research strategies. Helpful links:
- Archive of class activities (general; use menu links on the left to look for activities linked to specific assignments or learning objectives)
- Integrating library research into your course
Holding office hours and conferences
PWR lecturers teaching two sections in a quarter hold 3 hours of office hours a week. In addition, we meet with students three times over the course of the quarter for 30-minute one-to-one conferences, one for each major assignment. While you cannot cancel class when holding conferences, you can slot your conferences during your office hours, as long as you remain available by appointment to students who might want to meet outside of conference. PWR lecturers structure their conferences in many different ways, but no matter what is to create an individualized learning moment for the student. Helpful links: