As TTP returns to offering a regular selection of articles for us to collectively ruminate on as we plan for next year, we wanted to start with two pieces, one that focuses on mental-emotional aspects and another that focuses on the practical.
The first article, “The Single Most Essential Requirement in Designing a Fall Online Course,” by Cathy Davidson, advocates for centering students’ psychological and pedagogical needs as they return amidst a time of deep upheaval and dislocation.
The second article, “Three Strategies for Teaching Writing Remotely during the Pandemic,” by Betsy Barre, offers innovative, concrete ways to leverage technology we already use and details some activities that resonate with PWR’s emphasis on conferencing, revision, and collaboration.
We hope that these articles help us build a bridge between the immense amount we have learned together through Spring quarter and how we want to further hone and develop our pedagogy for Fall classes as we prepare for multiple instructional settings.