Infographic Assignment
This assignment asks students to adapt their ideas from their RBA proposal into an infographic to be later accompanied by a 3-minute presentation.
Author: Shannon Hervey
Activity title: Infographic Assignment
Activity brief description: This assignment builds on the research students have completed up to this point in the course; most students will have done a good amount of research but still have ideas they need to explore further. Students are asked to practice the art of adaptation in preparing to share this material visually and orally with their classmates. Then, students present their infographics in class in small groups (using collaboration stations) and receive immediate feedback on both the content and the presentation of their research, focusing on space, pace, and posture. Before they turn in the final infographic, they write a brief metacognitive cover sheet that defends their design and presentation choices.
Course: PWR 2
Activity Length & Schedule: Out-of-class preparation, in-class presentation, Weeks 4-5
Activity goals:
Build rhetorical awareness across genres and modes
Practice the art of adaptation for different audiences, genres, and modes
Provide students with immediate feedback on research sources, scope, and direction
- Provide students with immediate feedback on oral presentation skills
Activity Details: See handout.
This activity was originally shared as part of September Sessions 2016.