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Various Memes

The Art of Reflection

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Activity title: The Art of Reflection

Author: Erica Cirillo-McCarthy

Activity brief description: For this assignment, students prepare a final, spoken message for the class with some type of visual/multimedia component that helps conceptualize their learning.  Students might consider it as either a message for the next quarter's students or a message to their own future self.  Through this assignment, they reflect on their learning over the quarter and evaluate their approach and success in meeting their individual goals and the course goals. Students should support their claims with at least one solid piece of evidence.

Course: PWR 2 (though could be adapted for PWR 1)

Activity Length & Schedule: Final week of the quarter

Activity goals:  Through this assignment, students will

  • Practice the art of reflection as a researcher and writer
  • Engage with their processes from the term to formulate claims and present effective evidence
  • Conceptualize their learning in relation to the course goals and PWR 2 goals more broadly
  • Put into practice skills of oral presentation they've developed over the quarter
  • Construct and share a rhetorical purposeful visual/multimedia supplement to their oral presentation

Activity details:

See handout and student example